I will be teaching a class in the spring dealing with information, the Web, using the library, finding resources, etc. It's a 2-credit course that meets twice a week.
I'm trying to come up with innovative assignment ideas that will help the students stay awake and actually learn. I want it to be
fun (I have unrealistic goals, what can I say?). Plus, since I have not taught before (except for a few library instruction sessions), I'm basically a clean slate as far as teaching style is concerned, and I want to develop a good one right off the bat.
So, what I want to know is what
you all do to learn about things. It's not really important what you are learning about, just how you do it.
For example, I am very interested in computer technology but not very knowledgeable. To learn about it, I read library blogs that are tech-oriented, pester my tech-savvy friends (you all know who you are) with questions, and attend the occasional workshop, conference, or presentation.
Anyone have other techniques you use? Wikis, friend networks, etc? I'd love to hear your ideas and comments!
By the way, for anyone who teaches, a really good article is
Growing Up Digital, which is from the USDLA Journal (full-text available online).