Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Librarian's Wishlist

I saw a post over at Library Technology NOW about the Librarian's Wishlist brought to us by the wonderful people at the North Texas Regional Library System. All librarians have to do is make a wish and then encourage patrons to visit the site and fill that wish. This, of course, got me thinking about what I would wish for if I were crazy enough to submit wishes to that website:

Kat's Wishlist
1. Mold-be-gone for our oh-so-lovely and olfactorily-pleasing moldchives.
2. New computers for the library computer lab (adios to the broken, the rundown, and the damaged!).
3. A brand spanking new collection! Throw out all the old stuff and give me some new books please!
4. Endless amounts of money to use to develop the collection.
5. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find out with it means to the library! (translation: every student on campus would be DYING to use the library extensively. Do I hear, "My prof wants me to find 3 articles, but I want 10!" or "Wow, you guys have the most amazing collection I've ever seen!" or "You librarians are AMAZING! You know what I need and where I can find it!")

No wish is too big, right? Right...

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