Tuesday, October 18, 2005


An excellent site for streaming radio is SHOUTcast. It has music from all genres, and all free! (Since free is the most important factor afterall). Many of the stations also don't have ads, which is wonderful. I've found that some of them do that annoying buffering thing from time to time, but if you try picking ones that allow lots of listeners and have a higher bitrate, they work pretty well. Anyway, it's a great option for music at work, particularly if your CDROM drive does not work (like mine). Happy listening. :)


Jeff said...

So, what, you go by Kat now? What was wrong with Kate?

Kate said...

No, I don't go by Kat now. Not really anyway. Nothing wrong with Kate, still works just fine for me. Kat was a nickname a coworker gave me (temporarily), and I kind of liked it so I used it for the blog. What's with Nye? Don't go by your first name anymore? :)

Jeff said...

I had a friend in college would would exclaim "NYE!" every time he saw me. Kind of catchy. But I've been thinking about dropping the first name for a long time -- how would you feel about J. Michael Nye, Esquire? Is that pretentious-sounding enough for a lawyer-to-be?

Kate said...

J. Michael Nye, Esquire is quite pompous and stuffy and very suitable for a lawyer-to-be. However, don't forget, you'll always be Jeffie to me (I suppose I shouldn't spread that around, though, eh? It probably wouldn't inspire much confidence in your abilities).

Jeff said...

Good grief, I should have known that this conversation would take a turn for the worse, and just shut my mouth.

Anyway, what are you up to these days? I saw you once this summer (4th of July?) but didn't get to say hi. Did you hear that I'm married now? Is that one of the most ridiculous things you've ever heard, or what?